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טריילר מת ובועט
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Clair Pajaczkowska
Lisa Appignanesi
סרט דוקו קצר (10דק') וכמה מילים על העשייה
Horacio Cardo, a world known illustrator, published a book and put up an exhibition, both named PsychoMigrations, with the theme being denouncing Freud and psychoanalysis. Wondering through his exhibition in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was stunned by his powerful, impressive, intense, daring, surprising, unique and titillating works of art. It became clear that he, Horacio Cardo, shatters, in his works and words, the world, personal and professional, of Freud. The exhibition, says Horacio, was a task that demanded courage as Buenos Aires leads the world in the number of patients and practitioner of psychoanalysis. Both Horacio and his art are daring, surprising, impressive. Filmed in his studio - he shares with the viewer his thoughts, methods, point of view and works.
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